Thursday, August 14, 2008

My light-blue giraffe won't listen (not similar at all!)

My light-blue giraffe won't listen!
But still, who doesn't want to own a blue giraffe ?
Entry for Illustration Friday, because they aren't similar at all... Or ARE they similar? It's your choice...


IRIS and PIETER said...

ah deze vind ik supercute!
je tekent echt op een speciale en mooie manier.
ik hou er van.

Anonymous said...

wauw heel mooi! ik zou het zo op een van mijn muren willen hangen.

Engel said...

Dankjewel! Dat vind ik een groot compliment!

ale balanzario said...


Anonymous said...

Really like this - great work!

Juan said...


Bella Sinclair said...

Oh, this is fabulous! Stubborn little thing, isn't he.

ArtSparker said...

Interesting treatment - he looks mosaicked

Natura said...


lil kim said...

love this! great giraffe-spots. i did a giraffe too :)

INDIGENE said...

Beautiful coloring and textures!